Well, I FINALLY started the Couch to 5k program today, like I have been meaning to for months. When I looked at the calendar and realized that the 5k I want to run is only a few months away, I figured it was time.
I did 1.8 miles, which I'm pretty impressed with. That was with 5 minute warm up, 20 minutes of interval (90 seconds walking/60 seconds running), and a 5 minute cool down.
The walking? No problem. The running? Let's just say I am pretty sure I left my lungs next to where my car was parked. I knew breathing was going to be an issue. Hopefully after a few workouts it'll start to get better. I may end up making a trip back to my doctor to get a new inhalator. I used to have one for when I worked out but I checked the expiration date on it after soccer on Friday, and I'm pretty sure if I tried to use it, it would kill me.
And of course, my knees/ankles hurt. Because of my RA, I expected it. This should ease up at least some as I continue to lose weight. Also, running a few times a week will strengthen me back up.
The big thing is that I made it through all the intervals. My confidence level going in wasn't very high - I can barely run to first base in softball, and that is a much shorter trip. But I took it slow - at a few points, especially towards the end, I'm pretty sure my jog was slower than my walk. Again, I expect that to get better the more I do this.
The C25K plan says to rest a day between workouts, which is fine. Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday is definitely manageable, especially since I don't have class those days. And I knew I didn't want to try on Fridays, since I'll be playing soccer at night and the combination might kill me!
Oh - last thing. I started a dailymile.com profile. You can find me here! Add me on there, I will need all the motivation I can get!
Happy Valentine's Day
6 years ago
Hey, girl, I'm thin, you're apparently hefty. So what if you try your whole life to lose it and gain it right back? We all have our crosses. Jesus will reward you nevertheless if you make it to Heaven. So meet me Upstairs, gorgeous girl, where I'll kiss your gorgeous feet... Look'n forward to it. God bless you --- You might wanna try cycling around the block; then, when you git reeel good, win the Tour de France. Love you.